Memories of the Crane Mountain Fire Tower

It’s been 37 years since the public has seen the Crane Mountain Fire Tower. DEC removed it from the summit in 1987. As we prepare to give it a permanent home at Martin’s Lumber, do you have a memory of the tower or the mountain you’d like to share? Please scroll down to submit it.

We welcome photos, too!

A Vigilant Ranger

I was told the story of one ranger who had a good view of property near ours down on Garnet Lake Rd. As the ranger scanned the area, he spotted something he needed to report. He phoned Jasper and Sylvia Putnam,  a couple who raised wonderful crops of strawberries and blueberries just up the road from the Baker home. He alerted them that a couple of young boys were raiding their berry bushes and they should get out there pronto. They did and nabbed the kids in the act -- and I can only guess what the parents did when they were notified. It was not a "spare the rod" moment.

 When I was new in town, Jasper called me up and told me that he was thinning his plants and if I wanted some for my 4-H kids, I should come over and get them right away.  You can bet I did. I wanted to help with the digging because he was so frail looking, but he insisted that he would do it -- and he did.

Perky Granger

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